Thursday, July 12, 2012

Today i8: Yogurt with Honey Fried Oats

I've already included a recipe (Cheese-cake Shake) that included Lemon-Curd flavoured yogurt, but I have not yet boasted about how amazing it tastes....because in case you don't realise it by the end of this post, it  DOES taste amazing, like lemon cheesecake (assuming you like lemon cheesecake). So once again this amazing lemon curd yogurt is the feature of my snack time genius (subjective). Actually I was almost about to eat the yogurt from the tub when, to help attain a more enduring hunger-satisfaction, Oarin (i know shocking) suggested I throw a handful of oats into the mix. An excellent idea - a chance to make the amazing lemon curd even more like a cheesecake, albeit an upside down oat version....I think I may be obsessing about this cheesecake analogy.

Of course while Oarin was perfectly satisfied with chucking the oats in, my fruitless chase after mock cheesecake yogurt had me hatch a crunchy oat plan. FAST FACT: did you know that honey can be substituted for oil in frying for a sweet and effective non-stick alternative. Armed with this knowledge here is what I made:

Yogurt with Honey Fried Oats

See! it is totally just like cheesecake...


  • LEMON CURD Yogurt (ok I'm being picky, any yogurt will do and as much as you want)
  • Oats (enough to top your yogurt)
  • Honey (at least a few Tbs - but enough to match the amount of oats)
  • Cinnamon/nutmeg/all spice (any combination, to taste - or leave it out)
  • Flaxmeal (optional, but those dam omegas - any other tasty supplement you have could work here to, protein powders etc)
  1. Place the yogurt into your bowl and mix in 1 serve of your flaxmeal (or other)
  2. Put your frypan on medium-high heat and pour the honey into the pan
  3. When the honey is thin and runny (it won't take long) toss in the oats and sprikle with your spices (cinnamon etc) combine well
  4. Toss occasionally and be vigilant - you want the oats to be a tad crunchy.
  5. Place the honey fried oats on top of the yogurt and consume.
**note: dried fruit or fresh fruit would be a great addition to this snack! - we did not have any on hand -- Oarin ate all the dried mango I got from!

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